All Closed

Tourist office, with typical Mourão chimney in foreground, closed.
Castle, in background, closed.
Church, to left of castle, off photo, closed.
All bars, cafés, restaurants, closed.
Gardens in main square, closed.
Shops, such as they are, closed.
Most houses, closed.
Sun, closed.

But the market, with faithful Maria, open, so I stocked up on fruit, vegetables, eggs, and cheese. We'll manage without the rest for as long as we can.

It all feels so depressing. Made me think this is how it must have felt for folk here when the Lake filled and so much closed here in Mourão. Never to open again. Like the petrol station next to the tourist office. And the paper factory that gave the town so much of its life, and is now under water. 

- the couple (A & Z) I rang tonight not being ill (unlike the last two), and quite upbeat, miss seeing them quite a lot
- Maria showing me how to make one of the myriad Portuguese recipes with cabbage, and it turning out quite well, not to mention healthy
- fun chat with Deb on FT, and seeing the kids building a bridge, and Allegra practising nail varnishing skills on hands drawn on paper

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