The moon over Morrisons

Sorry.. a quick snap.  I did take a few photos on my camera but now its bedtime and I havent downloaded them. 
Blip was taken while I waited for M to come out of the Drs surgery for his Covid Vaccine. Our friend went to the same place on Thursday and had the Astra Zenica.. but M had the Pfyzer . They told him he had to wait 15 minutes in case he had a reaction.. That quickly??  

When we got home he googled whether it was ok to have some wine but the recommendations were to abstain for a few days as it can reduce the effect. 
So he drank water but I did have a glass of wine.

Walk this morning was to the Sea wall and beyond It was a bit slippy this as we had had several hail showers. No snow.. though many places have had it. The sun came out so the walk back was easier as the ice had melted. .. 
Totally forgot to check the car at 4pm  so just as we were to set off to the drs the car was all iced up again.. I found an old can of de icer..  weve not needed it for a long time. I'd prefer not to use it as its toxic but this was needed as we were in a hurry.

Not much else to add. Its gone very icy outside. Maybe I can get photograph some nice ice shots tomorrow.

Stay safe and well everyone  xx

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