Our local wood

It was a beautiful day. Cold and clear.

After doing some chores I walked to the supermarket. On the way I bumped into a friend. It was great to catch up.

I deposited some clothes in the clothes back, some bottles in the bottle bank, some plastic in the recycled plastic and dropped off some old batteries. A good reason for going. I did a bit of shopping too.

After lunch I walked the boys in the local wood and I always like looking up at the tree tops.

I’ve re-recorded the Scottish song and sent it to my friend to add it to the Scottish scenes.

This evening I’ve been to HtP’s house for our Burn’s Supper. He’d made clootie dumpling for dessert. It was delicious. Thank you HtP. And then we watched the first episode of Winter Watch. It was excellent. Now we need to catch up on the other episodes.

It’s meant to snow in the morning. At the moment it is very clear.

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