living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


We got outside today. I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold but I know the little ones need fresh air. And I do, too. Probably. Chickpea and Zephie had fun zooming around on their scooters. Though Zephie was more zoomy and even threw in some racing moves! I think Chickpea was impressed but a bit jealous that she wasn't able to go as fast so we will have to get more scooter time in! Monkey enjoyed watching them go around and around and kicked his little feet, possibly wanting a go himself.

He just today learned how to "wind the bobbin" with the song. It always amazes me, one day he can't do something at all and the next day he just does! I know it shouldn't be that amazing that skills are learned. It's not just like he will just wake up one day and say, "Mom, I'm taking the car, see ya." But it's still surprising how fast things get picked up on, with seemingly no practice or warning, it's just there!
He's also been shaking his head at the "wibble wobble" song for weeks. I think it's so funny watching him dance like that. I keep trying to get it on video but he always stops when the camera comes out...

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