twinned with trumpton


Another day of herding the boys towards school work; Tom dutifully knuckles down; Alex needs more guidance, obv.

I managed to stick a washing on and rattle through the dishes between offering nuggets of advice on school work. Alex eventually managed his quota of Sumdog (which looked unlikely at start of play) and Tom submitted his creative writing before the headed off up the hill.

I arranged to meet Baz at Porty once he'd finished work; I went via the BBC (Better Beverage Co) for tea - She'd bought me a cast iron tea pot the other day; so I invested in some orange pekoe and lapsang souchong and popped into Tesco for seafood for the night's dinner. 

A quiet beach and a tide well out meant we had space to walk all the way up to Seafield and as the light faded, the bonfires of the kids drinking in groups became more obvious. Oh and a chat with Paul MacPhail who was photographing a Christmas tree branch.  I obliged him with a walk under said branch at the right distance and spoke for about 5 mins. (I showed him my take on his work)

Up to Hers under cover of darkness, and I did dinner / watched some TV before the icy cycle home.

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