Life's tangled skein

By atp

2015-10-02 (Day 275) Rave Run 3

I'm trying to keep this Rave Runs thing going. It also helps that this is RonHill's #RunEveryDay month, and I am trying to keep going with a run of at least one mile each day. Not a huge challenge in terms of distance, but can be tricky to keep going.

Anyway, this is not where I planned to shoot today. I was going to shoot in the Muiravonside Country Park. But then I got there just before 5pm and there were signs everywhere warning "Gates Locked at 5pm".

I really didn't want the car to be locked in the park overnight, nor did I want to walk home. So instead I went to Muiravonside, and up onto the disused railway just north of the village. It was there that I found this attractive spot.

This wasn't where I actually did my #RunEveryDay run; for that I ran around Bo'ness before lunchtime!

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