Life's tangled skein

By atp

2016-01-31 (Day 031) Bandeath

On the way back from skating today I stopped off at Bandeath Industrial Estate. Beyond this industrial estate itself lie the remains of the Bandeath Munitions Depot.

This depot was used both world wars, but lay empty until the land was re-tasked as an industrial area in 1978. But there are still around thirty buildings visible - some time when the weather is slightly drier and I have more time I hope to go back and explore.

According to <a href=""&gt;Secret Scotland</a>, the building in the foreground is likely to have been a retreat to be used in the event of fire at the depot. The windows above head height would reduce the risk of someone inside being struck by flying debris.

Sadly I didn't have a real camera with me, so a cameraphone snap will have to do for now.

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