Life's tangled skein

By atp

2016-05-11 (Day 132) Nature Photography Day 1

I was invited to try the #naturephotographychallenge by both @Alan Lowe and @Diane Scougall, so I reckoned I should give it a go.

Most of the photographs in my Project365 are nature-related, in as much as they are landscapes. But as I started thinking more about it, I realised that our landscape is not nearly as natural as we may think. A radio programme about Capability Brown and his astounding landscape architecture underlined the point. So how does one come up with something that is truly natural? Indeed, what does that mean?

Flowers - they must be natural. Well, maybe, but maybe not. This is a roadside embankment - are these flowers there naturally or not? The Department of Transport plants more trees each year than the Forestry Commission, after all...

One day one, I think I'm still in search of true #naturephotography

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