welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Snow must be documented

For approximately 6 weeks, I have been telling Heidi ‘it looks like it’s gonna snow’ just waiting for the day when it finally came true. Today was that day. Ironically though, today was the first day I hadn’t said ‘looks like it’s gonna snow’. Heidi delightfully yelled across the house to me ‘Look out the window. It looks like it’s gonna snow.’ Lo and behold, it was snowing. I was unnecessarily excited about it, mainly because it meant my it was the first time my Jamaican family had experienced snow! They all seemed excited about it too.

After playing in the snow we had a family zoom call again playing the memory game which we all seem to love. Cici and I had a long conversation in the chat, it’s so sweet that she’s grown up enough to use it. Can’t wait to see her again, hopefully sometime this year?!

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