
By DiamondJack

Spot the Moose

Getting quite desperate for blip subjects now. Dark dismal lighting every day. Each morning seems more depressing than the one before. Having the flu doesn't do much to lift my spirits and I certainly struggle to get motivated for my daily blip.

We bought these dice in Canada the first time we went in 2004. We played a game or two with our lovely Canadian friends in Peterborough, but I can't remember how to play or who won. Probably Barb. She's very competitive for a Canadian!

There was a memorable incident with a moose on another visit to our favourite country. (Apart from England). I was driving fast to catch a bus for the Parkfields Iceway Glacier in Alberta and helping Dave with the map next to me. Barb shouted "MOOSE!!!" from the back of the car and I looked up to see a forest giant lumbering up the embankment of the road directly in our path. I hit the brakes as hard as I dare at 140kph in the slushy snow and managed to miss the ungainly beast as he stumbled out of our way. He was a fully grown bull with massive antlers. I like seeing wildlife up close, but that was a bit too close. I wasn't allowed to drive any more after that.

Happy, happy days! We are hoping to go back later this year.

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