
By janescanlan

Rio Cinema, Dalston

Another grey & cold day. I took myself off to Tae Kwon Do tonight. That makes four days in a row I've managed martial arts training of one sort or another. Add to that the running and cycling and I'm feeling pleased with myself. Now, if only that Christmas weight gain would vanish.
I remembered I hadn't blipped today as I left Tae Kwon Do so with a minor detour I chose to photograph the Rio Cinema in Dalston, Hackney. I rather like this building. It's a proper old fashioned picture house. It's currently screening the 18th Turkish Film Festival.
Dalston is made up of a large Turkish and Afro Caribbean community although new transport links and new build flats have attracted City workers as well as creative types to the area. As a result Dalston is rapidly changing.

Thanks to everyone for their comments, stars & hearts for yesterday's photo. Much appreciated.

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