
By GirlKojak

Table Manners

Since hunger is the most primitive and permanent of human wants, men always want to eat, but since their wish not to be a mere animal is also profound, they have always attended with special care to the manners which conceal the fact that at the table we are animals feeding.
(John Erskine, 'The Complete Life')

KaliBug's February Challenge: 26) An Animal or Something in Nature

Oh bum! Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum ... I got it wrong. It was supposed to be an animal, not dozens of them.

I nipped up to my favourite and often-blipped Broom House Farm for this shot. It is great the way you can get up close to the animals. Children love it, and it is a great way to learn about where your food comes from. I dread to think what my school dinner ladies would have to say about the manners of this lot though. Not just pushing and shoving in the dinner queue but head-butting, climbing, snatching, shouting ...bad manners indeed!

I've blipped the last 3 days this evening, if you want to click back ...

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