
By dunkyc

Teas made

Felt a bit weird and jittery this morning (even more so than usual).

Couldn’t put my finger on it before finally realising that I had got to mid-morning and hadn’t had my early morning brew. This was quickly rectified and I moved on with my day, which was a tightly co-ordinated affair encompassing tidying up after the mini-cyclones that are the children and ploughing through work.

The teapot pictured here is a fairy garden ornament which was a Christmas present from my mother to The Youngest. I thought it was about time to get it outside, where it has brought a splash of colour to what is a very drab yard at this time of year.

Somewhere in amongst it all, I made a cheesecake and also finished watching the Lance Armstrong documentary that was on BBC2. The guy is a real conundrum, a liar, a cheat, a textbook narcissist and borderline sociopath, but yet did so much for thousands of lives affected by cancer. 

Yet he was only about to do that through a raised profile achieved by a jaw-dropping level of cheating on a global stage. How do you reconcile that? 

Does the bad stuff outweigh the good?

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