"I Love It"

I realize it is Tiny Tuesday and I am the host this month BUT Little Miss Ellie was so excited to see it snowing this afternoon, I had to Blip her in the snow. (I am saying that those tiny snowflakes are in my photo.)She wanted to have a snowball fight and make a snowman, however, there was not enough snow to do either. She was still excited to just catch the flakes. 

But the funniest thing she said when she first saw the snow was, "Merry Christmas.....I want Santa Claus to bring me a Paw Patrol set" I told her, "No Ellie, snow doesn't mean Christmas is here again." But she was having nothing to do with my "silliness".....she knew it had to be Christmas Snow! :-)) Eventually, she decided that snow meant it was time to have hot chocolate. I don't know where she comes up with these ideas. I got several great videos. I felt bad that her Grandpa Mike missed out on all that fun and excitement so I took her home before all the snow stopped.....of course, she fell asleep before we left the neighborhood so I drove around until she got an hour nap; she was nice and cuddly when she got home. Her grandpa was so happy to see her and he got the best loves!  

I love having Ellie here, but I do love the freedom of being childless too. All the toys are put away and I got some bookkeeping done this afternoon. 

I hope you are healthy and living the best life possible under these strange circumstances.

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