Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Welcome guests

Finches of all kinds enjoy scoffing the Nyjer seeds and sit on the perch for ages.

In the bottom right hand corner is a glimpse of the new Campanula plant that went on the ledge yesterday.
It's amusing to observe the frenzy of activity that erupts whenever anything new, plants or feeders, are introduced to the windows.
The Campanula seems to be a hit with the regulars.

Been away from Blip for a while and it seemed appropriate to return with a bird feeder shot.

some backblips Here

and here

Someone very special to me sent the very first little birdfeeder, after I'd told them about Blip and wanting to experiment with getting some decent bird shots.
Then, a friend gave me a bag of peanuts to fill the feeder but I honestly didn't hold out much hope of attracting any birds, due to location.
Little did I know!

Several Blutits appeared within a couple of hours, then along came the Chaffinches. More feeders were introduced and more birds found their way.

Achieving the fotos hoped for didn't happen though.
The birds would flee whenever they sensed my presence.
Even with a long lens, the lighting combined with shots taken through windows was not producing great results.

Eventually the camera was put aside to simply enjoy observing all the (by now, very busy ) activities of the little birds.

I'd regularly share updates on all the latest antics by phone with that special person who started it off - and who had such a great affinity with nature.

Some weeks ago a flock of long tailed tits arrived on the feeders - as I was topping them up. The window was open - and these tiny bundles of joy were not phased at all by my presence. Breakthrough!
I couldn't wait to share this latest sighting - and hoped to try and get a shot or two of them to send.

As events unfolded just moments later, sadly, that was not to be.

The shape of things suddenly changed bringing many new responsibilities to figure out.

The little birds are indeed welcome guests, especially at this time of immense sadness and loss - seeing them never fails to lift the spirits.

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