A patch of yellow aconites.

Today was the final preparations for our family who arrive tomorrow morning.
The weather is so topsy turvy. The snow has all but disappeared and today the temperature this afternoon was 9C! Which is 48F.
I went for a walk after lunch, and didn’t need my gloves!
The air is so still, not a breath of wind.
It is still fairly light now at 4.45pm.
I always reckon that by my birthday the first week in February it stays light till gone 5.00pm.
The birds are sounding like spring is on its way.
But it’s unpredictable yet.
I spotted a small group of snowdrops on a grass verge, which up to yesterday had been under thick snow themselves.
Amazing to see them upright and strong. Photo in extras.
I look each year on my circular walk for a place where I know the first aconites appear.
They are lovely today.
Bright and cheerful, with snowdrops beginning to flower nearby.
Makes my heart lift every time and goodness knows we need something to make us feel cheerful today, with the news once again full of bleakness.
The winter aconites however make me smile.

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