Abandoned Bicycle

On my walk today I found this abandoned, rusty bicycle jammed into a hedge! Looks like it may have been there a while! A suitable candidate for Derelict Sunday - thanks to Marlieske for hosting.

I think the markings on it say ‘Apollo’.

Don’t seem to have had minute to spare today - after my walk I set about bottling a batch of beer that I started last week - that took me until 1:30 - and just as I sat down with a cup of tea and a sandwich my food delivery arrived (half an hour early).

Took me and hour to wash and stash the groceries - no cauliflower, leeks or broccoli this week…half box of broken eggs and giant tomatoes instead of plum ones….hey ho…

The I set up a new batch of beer - down to my last 40 pints in the garage…so need to build stocks up again.

Quick and easy tea tonight - stirfry - so no prep to do tonight.

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