one day in France

By Frenchtoast

Emergency Blip!

Here I am at the end of the day and still blipless! Such is the boring life I lead in which the days pass slowly but the weeks race past.
One good thing about the days passing slowly is that you can get loads done, so I did, with painting and moving furniture etc in the gite.
I wonder if we'll have much of a season this year, we've already had one weeks cancellation but that was quickly snapped up by someone on the waiting list, and we've already had an enquiry from a mad French couple who wanted to come this week!
It's probably tempting for people in other areas of France as we've no cases of infection in this area, but still. What were they thinking! We said "Non" of course!
Anyway, here's the clock at the end wall of our dining room, not quite blipless after all!

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