Beauty and the Beast

After this last week or so of icy pavements and walking like a penguin lest I end up in the fracture clinic, I considered it bliss to walk normally today on rain soaked pavements even if it was in a temperature of 3°. I have to admit though, that it was a ‘gie dreich’ perambulation and certainly not one in which to linger and bag a blip worthy of the name.

When at a loss, post a flower. In this case one of my 3 week old anemones alongside a sodden fungus on the stump of a tree in the Meadows. That’s how bad the contents of my can are today.

On the other hand, I have had a Zoom call with the Kitchen Table at Maggie’s and a long phone call from a friend. So much socialising in one day leaves me giddy with delight.
My lovely American neighbour upstairs has just provided me with a large bowl of lentil soup which she would like me to taste for quality control. She is surviving home schooling by experimenting with the making of different soups and I seem to have become her taster. She is now known to me as the ‘Soup Lady’ and the Dower House is benefitting from the products of her ‘Soup Kitchen’.

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