The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Plumb job

The "Dream kitchen" again.

The plumbers came in today to fit up the gas hob, well one plumber and the young apprentice. Seemingly the label on the hob we bought in the sales last year suggested it was coverted to work with LPG. Unfortunately we have mains gas. After 3, yes 3 hours, they decided the label had been wrong all along and we didn't need the conversion kit they had gone and got.
The apprentice was a kitchen fitter in a previous life and seemed to be impressed with Ali's handywork. I also asked him how he became an apprentice? Luck seemed to be the answer and as for the 5 people who phoned last week asking for an apprenticeship they were not.

Back to THe English Tutor agin tonight. The Higher exam is looming, but the boy seems to be gaining in confidence. Fingers crossed.

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