Lockdown mask and hat #1

There is always a bright side to everything. And since we have been told to wear masks for the first time there is an opportunity to pose for some mask and hat combinations this little number is a bit dull but is paired with my navy Guernsey and finished off with red  joggy bottoms.
Today’s “Guernsey” bit is not about a famous local but a minor infamous incomer who lived here for a while.
Fanny Craddock
Well known for a series of telecasts stimulating pride and pleasure in the preparation of good food, and the author of over 80 books. As well as cookery books she wrote 9 novels (especially the Lorne trilogy) and 11 children’s books under the nom-de-plume of Frances Dale. 
In the latter part of her career she took up residence in Guernsey. Although she never particularly identified in any way with the island many of us remember her around town and the markets; Johnny dutifully following behind carrying her bag...
Back then we had many characters; some homegrown and others lived here for a while!

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