Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

So Now It's a Thing Apparently

A Mama deer and her young of last year came by for breakfast. And then this happened. That's Mama on the left, eating. Daughter greeted the second of the two faux deer (the female, this time). I have put the two photos - the one from the other day and this one - together in another photo - see extra - to see if you agree with me that this is probably NOT the same youngster as the one who bumped noses with the male faux deer previously. There are not too many distinctive markings to go by, but I don't think it looks like the same one. Same age, maybe even siblings, but... Anyway - I am intrigued by the young ones being interested in making friends with, or just being curious about, things that look like they might be friend material. I remember years and years ago seeing a calf touch noses with a cat at my parents' home (they had a farmer who rented their field for some of his cows). It was my parents' cat - Mocha - and it was a very sweet scene. Children of all sorts don't make the distinctions that adults make, I guess.

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