Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Since the full moon was hiding behind clouds yesterday I tried to photograph it today. With my old camera, a bright moon against a dark sky is impossible to get a good shot with. But, I keep trying... So, this one was the best even though it had the longest exposure. And I wasn't happy so I remade it with Photoshops Oil Paint filter. A tad better.
Gotten some things done today, but also gotten a lesson in how little energy I have to spend. So exhausted and had to rest between chores. I should make a pulled pork from the cooked ham I have in the fridge, but the best before date is tomorrow, so I can do it then. At least I got the shopping done, even though it was really difficult to get home. I had to stop along the way several times, and I just have around 10 minutes walking from the store to my home. Crazy! Anyway, I'm rather happy with what I got done. :)

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