Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Living by the rules

At 9am this morning we had a Zoom call with a very nice man who we were consulting about having shutters installed in our bay windows. This involved pointing the iPad then measuring up for him. He then took us through various samples and images so that we could make our selection. 

That’s 21st century lockdown life for you. The hardest bit was finding the bloody tape measure; I don’t know about you but we have three and every time you open a drawer, pull back the bed covers or open the fridge there one is. But when you need one ...

2021, like 2020, is all about living by the rules. So we had another day of mostly not going out, and doing admin and house stuff like spending hours on the phone to the bank, trying to understand tax letters (I now have three sources of income so am subject to something called a Rate Band Adjustment) and changing the sheets. For some reason this last job is something I hate, probably because I always get into a fight with the duvet which doesn’t like being cornered. Oh and we took Scout to the vet again and paid more money to be told he was overweight and there is nothing wrong with his hips.

In the evening we watched The Lady Vanishes, restored and uncut from Hitchcock’s 1938 version. Still very good with the quaintest of special effects, and a bit frisky for its time - people in their underwear, sharing beds  and making remarks packed with innuendo. I think I would go and live between the two world wars wars for a while if I had a time machine ... but that would definitely break the rules...

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