
By BlipCommunity

Square Metre Challenge #BCsqM

Setting yourself a limit in photography can bring about unexpected creativity and surprises and that’s where we’re heading with this month’s Square Metre Challenge. 

To take part, find an area of about one square metre.  It could interest you but equally, it could be a random selection. It can be inside your home or out in your garden, vertical or horizontal or somewhere in between. It just needs to be a place that you know you’ll be able to safely access several times this month.

Your challenge is to revisit this space over the course of February and see whether the limits of one small area can bring something new to your day (or night) and perhaps something to your photography.  Try and stay put in this area for a while to search for a compelling subject and to enjoy what you find or ‘see’ and how you photograph it.

Rather than create new things in the space, photograph what is already there or what arrives naturally.

You don’t need to blip from that spot every day but keep looking often for something that captures your interest. 

You might want to discover what life exists in this space close up, see whether the unexpected appears or step back and find creative angles in a seemingly uninteresting area. Light and shadow, colour or mono, wildlife or still life, winter or summer - the options are endless within this single parameter of one square metre.

At the end of February, we’ll remind you to use the #BCsqM (BlipCommunity Square Metre) tag to highlight up to two images to share with us. When you’ve chosen them, you might like to write a few words to tell us about the square metre you chose and what drew you to select these images.

We’ll run the challenge for the whole of the month so you have some time to revisit your chosen area.

We hope you’ll use it to enjoy the things you already love or to get creative doing something a bit different that’s maybe slightly out of your photography comfort zone.

If you would like to include your ‘square metre' images, please tag a maximum of two journal entries #BCsqM during February.

Remember, we like to share your images on social media and in a future press release so add #OK2share if you’d be happy for us to use your entries. 

As always, we look forward to seeing your photos!

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