2500 Blips

Blip tells me it’s a special day. I started blipping on 1 January 2014. After 2 years I had a break for a few months but it had got a grip on me so I started again and blip every day.

As I woke at 5 am I was ready to go out for a walk - there had been a wee skirving of the white stuff so I made my Blip then set off out.

It was slippy underfoot so we went just shy of 5 miles via Pennystane Lane, the moor, Glittering Stone, Physic Lane, Westhills and home. The sun came out and it was a stunning walk.

#3 daughter had a Covid test yesterday. Negative. She feels tired and dizzy, not the usual symptoms. Hopefully she’ll get a rest today before she’s back on line working tomorrow.

Great news is friend Dennis in Ipswich got his jab today, as have friends in the 70-75 age group in Newcastle, Edinburgh, Blackburn and Cornwall.

Alan H called to see if I wanted some sour dough starter. I’m to pick it up later. It sounds a bit like those annoying Tamagotchis kids had a craze for in that is demands a lot of attention. But it’ll be a new project. I’m going to have to get back on to YouTube - all advice welcome!

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