IMG 001

3years 129days

This is the first EVER image from.... wait for it... my very own Canon EOS 5D.

I am a happy happy happy girl. Katie saw the box and said "ohhh what's that". Then went back to dancing with Monkeys of course.

When I got to nursery, Brooke's mum was coming in too and they went nuts happy that we'd arrived together. They have been charging round since nursery tea singing Gangnam style. Katie sings "heyyyy such a lady" thankfully. But they are hilarious together. Lesley said they'd been quite calm all day. They'd had a chat on the pretend phones for half an hour. Then after tea went crazy.

Katie was thoroughly delighted of course to arrive home to Granny and Grandad. She showed them her new shoes, and went through every item from a few spring bits I'd bought for her (including her dress for my party! YEY!!) before eating a pile of various things. How she forced herself to stay awake I dont know, she was shattered, but within seconds of G&G leaving she was asleep

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