
By soulsharer


Hello Blip folk, long time no speak.

I hope everybody's well.....

All ok here, I'm working as a driver now doing 200/250 miles a day, which isnt what i wanna do but hey ho, that's life.... Vicky now works 4 days a week, havig every wednesday off soo she can spend time with Joel and take him to a play group.
Joel is now 20 months old and a little devil.. He loves being out & about & if there's mud involved even better!!!
He's sort of talking in bits and drabs, nothing to clear but no & a shake of his head is his favourite action... although, today he started saying yes & nodding, He says head,hand,hat, mom,dad thank-you,nanny, and a few other words as well as tries to count on his fingers...
He loves to dance and tries to sing along by mouthing all the way through the songs..

Im not using my camera as much as i should be, But ive gota few gigs this year tat ive been asked to shoot.. Dodgy, The Levellers, The Wonderstuff, Terrorvision, & hopefully more to be confirmed.. (i might be doing the Darkness gig next week)

In general, everything's ticking over nicely


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