Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

I took Stan to the avian vet yesterday.
Luckily he doesn’t mind travelling in the car but on arrival I was keen to keep him as calm as possible.
While we waited he sat proudly on the steering wheel, causing quite a few incredulous looks from passers by.

Due to Covid restrictions I knew that I wouldn’t be allowed in so, once I was given the go ahead, I wrapped Stan in a towel and handedhim over to the vet at the door.
Stan would have got very stressed by a strange man trying to get him out of his travel box.
I returned to the car and waited for the verdict.
They were unable to thoroughly examine him without giving a general anaesthetic ( the very thing I had hoped to avoid) but the good news was that the lump was almost certainly a fatty lump - he takes after me bless him !
I then had to decide whether to go ahead with an op to remove it.
As Stan had already been anaesthetised I thought it best to go ahead.
They removed a mass as large as a 50p piece and my poor boy has a 4” incision along his spine. I have to send photos of the wound to the vet tomorrow so I’ve included one in extras
I collected him 2 hours later with instructions for pain relief. He had been given morphine so I expected him to be quiet!!
Once home it was clear that he was delighted to be back and not at all woozy.
My biggest problem was going to be stopping him from pulling out the stitches.
So here he is today sporting his sock waistcoat.
Even after everything he’s been through, he has allowed me to put this on him without once trying to bite me.

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