
By Didyounotice

I can’t seem to help myself

I keep thinking that I am going to do the next day’s challenge and then ending up with another bird shot that I really like. Today I took some tiny Tuesday pictures of repeating objects, but I love this tri-colored heron shot. 

We went and visited the Eaglesnest… Nothing really new or exciting going on there. We’ve only seen one of the adults this week. I hope the other is off hunting somewhere and safe.

We spent about an hour standing and watching the sandhill cranes at their nest today. Usually we have found that if we stand and wait we will at least be treated to one session of rising to turn the eggs over. No such luck today.  We think we have noticed that the crane that is standing watch is standing closer to the nest the last couple of days. Probably wishful thinking, but we are hoping that means that hatching is imminent!

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