
I think I bought this in Cork but I no longer know what I was intending to use it for.  It will be put into the box for gifts.
A wet, grey Lockdown Day 50.  AW can't work in the garden, I can't go on the hunt, and the virus has made it undesirable to drop by somewhere for a cuppa.  Instead, there was a fair bit of housekeeping and laundry, and later an equally large chunk of research.  Took a 2-hour nap in the afternoon in preparation again for late-night staying-up practice because there'll be a hearing on Thursday morning MNL time, meaning 02.00 Dutch time.
Genealogy research is actually another kind of hunt, this time for people long gone and for connections we didn't even know existed.  I think I have enough people now to populate a small town -- a large base of farmers, day labourers (what the French call 'journaliers') and factory workers, followed by green grocers and shopkeepers, and then, on top of that, barge operators, salesmen, railroad personnel, office clerks, topped by the occasional insurance agent, tax collector, air force pilot, and engineer.  What I have not yet encountered are medical professions like doctors and nurses.  To me, all work is just work, but some work gets more recognition.  Some Marxist tendencies showing... *belly laugh*

Our lockdown has been extended till 02 March.  I hope the weather improves between now and then.  This time last year we had a lot more sun.

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