
By MerlotsDad


Very unusual I know but I bought 2 books online and they came today. Both completely different from one another but never the less interesting maybe.

Glasses arrived today yippee - I was blind and now I see! Really weird wearing them again in fact gave me a headache earlier on which thankfully has now gone

Rang Ross re the last of my jobs and the spares for the shower came too. Ill ring the plumber tomorrow. Also tomorrow I must get in the car and get is started and go for a burn up. It must be 10 weeks since I drove.

Paid the 2nd invoice for zizi today. Incredible to think she's been here for almost 2 months.

No much else today other than snakes N ladders and lexicon this afternoon with C and Z. Oh and I got Zizi to wash my hair too which I can't do very well. Shoulder is very bad again and I'm back on the tramadol which I've been avoiding but makes such a difference to my pain and my mood.

Thanks for looking in today.

Stay safe.



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