Still (A)life

Rainy grim day so did a bit of weaving in the morning and loft insulation laying after lunch.  Some elements in common such as measuring and cutting, but many that weren't, especially the wriggling commando military style along a narrow bit of roof space in the eves that has a max of about 3 foot headroom, to get the insulation between rafters and stuffed under where the floors of the dormers are.  But I was determined to get it done - we've been putting off this last bit of insulating for years as it is such an awkward horrible job.  Hope it will make a difference.  I was very proud to not fall through the ceiling using a technique I invented of sliding bits of wood along the rafters to take my quite spread out weight.  Getting out again was interesting as no space to turn around, so it was backwards commando military style.  Because of the fibreglass I wore boots, plastic trousers & jacket, and most of the items in the photo. My old bones and joints will probably complain tomorrow.

(have just realised that 'commando style' could be interpreted in a different way, definitely kept my pants on!  Have amended to military style)

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