
By maureen6002


I awake this morning to a strange orange glow; there is the most amazing sunrise and the sky is on fire. After yesterday’s complaints about lost sunsets, nature seems to be teaching me a lesson. 

Of course, even as I raise the blinds, the colour is dissolving and the best I can manage is to grab my iPhone to capture the last remnants over the rooftops..... Note to self: get up when the alarm goes off in future! 

After this spectacular start, the skies turn grey, and stay resolutely so throughout the day. At least it’s dry, but we only manage a short round-the-block saunter. We’re both busy. I’m still struggling to complete my photo books, while G is sorting through his many boxes of memorabilia. I think of using some of this as an Abstract Thursday piece, and make a start, but it really needs more time. 

Instead, I use a beach shot from last night and play around with it until I’m happy(ish) with the result. I’m not sure whether this is keeping in the spirit of Blip; I’ve ‘made’ it today, although haven’t taken it today .......

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting! 

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