
People wonder why I keep so many books and I suppose the answer is that it’s a collection and as such I like to have them around. Also I very often re-read books and here are three that I have reread during January. All well worth rereading.

I am currently reading the six Jane Austen novels for the course I am following. Whether I will get through them all, only time will tell, but I have managed one and am on with the second. I have read them all at least once over the years, but am really enjoying coming back to them. ‘Sense and Sensibility’ is the first one - so funny, so clever. Her books are ones to appreciate more the older you get - I think so anyway.

I am also planning this year to read/reread Kazuo Ishiguru. I love his books and he is bringing out a new one this year, so that’s something to look forward to.  ‘The Remains of the Day’ is such a good book. And it made a brilliant film. So funny and yet so very sad. And a devastating picture of our class system.

Last night we had a very successful Village Book Group - 12 of us on Zoom. Everyone had read the book - ‘Moon Tiger’ which won the Booker Prize in 1987. All, except one, really enjoyed it and we had a great discussion. I was pleased, as it was me who had suggested the book. I think it is an excellent book. It deals with memory, one’s place in history, looking back on life and events. It is thoughtful and makes one think. 

Vaccination today

Penrith Hospital had it brilliantly organised and yet everything was friendly and reassuring. I loved how we had individual timers to make sure we sat for the 15 minutes - I read my book, Gordon watched the cricket on his phone. Then we did some M&S shopping, so we are sticking to our one outing a week. 

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