
By simisue


Today was a day that did not go as planned.  A repairman was finally coming, after waiting weeks.  When he finished, I had planned to visit my friend who has a lovely garden; & just so happens to have pink CAMELLIAS blooming,  I was going to post a Blip of her CAMELLIAS.

As they say, "the best laid plans of mice & men often go awry."
The repairman was running late, & when he did arrive, he realized he 
needed special parts to complete the repair. He is returning tomorrow.
It is a common, but frustrating story.  

By the time I arrived at my friend's house, it was quite warm, & the light was  too bright in places.  I took lots of photos of the pink CAMELLIAS, but they 
just did not turn out.  I do love yellow ROSES, & my friend has this
"Midas Touch" just beginning to bloom.  This rose bud demanded to be my Blip.  

So, I had my day all planned, but everything changed.  
 I spent time with my friend & her darling dog, then went home & reorganized my priorities.

All is well.

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