Wet wet wet

The flood had peaked during the night and the road to the hospital, just visible top left of the river, was open to traffic when I went over for my jag this morning. Yes, I’ve had the AstraZenica Covid vaccine. I really felt quite emotional when one of our young GPs administered my dose. I have no appointment for the second one but they said it should be in 3 months.

By coincidence #2 daughter had just sent me a link to the boys’ school Just Giving page. They are raising money for the UNICEF campaign to vaccinate in other, poorer countries. I felt quite emotional about that, especially as Mr C himself actually suggested a very generous donation.

I also feel emotional in a very different way to read in the financial pages that the Queen will be £billions richer from the money she gets from off-shore energy sources. I knew she owned all the swans in the country but didn’t know the seabed was hers too. I wonder how much she donates to UNICEF.

The wool for my second crochet blanket arrived in a package which was too small so the bag had burst open at the top. Luckily one ball of wool was stuck to the adhesive so no balls made their escape. I took photos and sent them to the company. They apologised and said the packing department would undergo further training. I emailed back saying I hoped the workers were treated properly and not put under time pressure. Now they have refunded me the postage!

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