
By Upoffmebum

No cheating today

Not a big orchid buff, but think this is a White Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis) - photographed, I might  add, this very day.
It's taken up residence in a corner of the lounge with plenty of light, but no direct sunlight - as advised by the gifting person. After 6 months, it seems to have settled in very nicely. Lost a bloom or two early on, but seems to have recovered, and been travelling quite well since.
96-year-old Aunty Mary is an old hand at indoor orchids, and has one several gardening awards and prizes. She provides occasional but crucial advice. Like watering about once a week by placing on the sink and slowly pouring water into the pot until it starts to leak out of the holes at the bottom - and not a second longer! To do otherwise is to flagrantly court root-rot and other orchid catastrophes.
Put orchid food on the hardware shopping list for the first time this week - not on Aunty Mary's advice, mind, but as a result of overhearing an item on a radio gardening show.
And who am I to argue with that, when I have close to zero orchid cred? I'll follow the directions on the pack for a few weeks to see how the orchid fares. But in the meantime, I won't be telling Aunty Mary - just in case.

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