The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Into The Unknown

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today, I walked into the lair of the youngest teenager and felt like I had taken my life in my hands. Why would you use the bin when you have a floor? Same rationale applies to a wardrobe. And the dishwasher. The mud on the (newly changed) bedsheets was also a mystery but really just a drop in the ocean of the many (sometimes unidentifiable) biohazards.

Now I will admit to being a very clean and tidy person. Some may even say it leans to OCD and the term anally-retentive may have been aired on a couple of foolhardy occasions but even The Prince agreed that it was bad. So much so that he actually took photos for his amusement!

To avoid a visit from Kim and Aggie, a cleanliness order was issued along with the threat of phone removal and a deadline. The fear of being cut off from the lifeblood of Instagram ‘motivated’ The Youngest Mini Princess who performed a Changing Rooms miracle and at 5 pm, the room passed inspection and was declared fit for human habitat.

I wasn’t brave enough to look in the wardrobe!


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