It is Derelict Sunday again

This derelict section of a garden wall was seen on a walk around Haddenham, in Buckinghamshire. It is a Wychert wall which has collapsed, probably due to a failure of the capping tiles and the incessant rainfall this winter. These walls are a feature of the the following explains.
"The word 'wychert' describes a traditional form of wall construction used in parts of the Vale of Aylesbury. It was largely based on a mix of lime-rich local soil and chopped straw. In Haddenham and parts of Buckinghamshire west of Aylesbury are a number of villages whose cottages have rendered walls. These are mostly built in 'wychert (or more commonly, 'witchert'), which is Buckinghamshire's version of the cob or earth-wall construction more usually associated with Devon and Dorset."

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