La vida de Annie

By Annie

Orugas procesionarios.

There's a plague of these beasts in addition to the covid plague, in Spain at the moment, worse than I've ever seen it. I'm guessing that preventive measures were dropped last year along with many other things, and this is the result. There's a particular road nearby flanked by old pine trees, which is always a good place to spot them. Local drivers tend to eliminate them by driving over them, as evinced by the sight of many flattened black lines across the road, but this particular line appeared to have successfully crossed and was in the process of climbing the curb and carrying on along the pavement. I thought it would fit Silly Saturday as one of the processsion had fallen off the curb and therefore lost its place in the procession; I didn't hang around to see if it managed to rejoin or just headed up a new line as the things make my skin crawl. Research has shown that if you introduce the lead caterpillar to the end of the last in line, the whole procession will endlessly move in a circle, which is indeed silly...
Extra is one of the nests in the pine trees from which they drop onto unsuspecting passers-by. Destroying by fire can release toxic smoke, and although killing them with agua fuerte (bottles of hydrochloric acid readily available in supermarkets) is effective, that's not something I'd like to carry around in my pocket. I'm not that silly.

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