
By Delightinnature

Tong Park Dam

Went for a really long walk this afternoon with Ros and Archie in the most amazingly beautiful sunshine. Took quite a few photos but liked this one the best.

This is a view of Tong Park Dam, a local beauty spot we heard about from the removal men when we moved from the flat into the house. Ros very kindly volunteered to act as my guide and patiently waited for me as I puffed and panted my way up hill and down dale. Still, at least I was walking which is more than can be said for the golfers we saw on the links on the other side of the valley.

They were using motorised golf buggies and drove up to the ball, hoped out, hit the ball and then drove off again. Now that's what I call lazy. They were not old and didn't appear mobility impaired. Perhaps this way they got round the course quicker and then had longer to spend at the 19th hole!

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