Best laid plans

A really good nights sleep for both of us.
Breakfast was porridge before getting ourselves ready for hubs bloods appointment at 11.45am. I rang the nurses this morning just to check up on a couple of things, as hub has a bit of a cough, headachey & yesterday a rash....all of which could be as a result of either the covid jab and/or the yucky drink he had to have pre his ct scan on Saturday.

Whilst we were en route a phone call to say that hubs consultant would see him in her clinic at 1.30, after his bloods. Once I dropped him off, I parked the car and walked back into the village to collect a sandwich my lunch, as a,ways, we seem to be caught out by these changes in plans lol! I called into the post office to send off a parcel and got a Costa before walking back to Maggies to wait for hub.

Todays blip was my view whilst sat eating my sandwich in Maggies, it looked lovely and sunny outisde, but boy was it cold!!

Hubs bloods went smoothly, first time today :-)
He got himself a meal deal from M&S in the foyer and settled down to wait to be called.
He went in around 2pm. Upshot is that she has decided to delay tomorrows immuno, not overly concerned, has put him back on steroids for a short time and wants a head scan, just to be the safe side....a review in two weeks, before immuno resumes.

We got home around 4.30pm having left at 10.45. Daughter popped round with some groceries not long after we got back......she had a wuick chat outside but it was far too cold to be standing out there in the freezing wind and snow flurries!! I was busy putting the shopping away and making a shepherds pie in the kitchen for dinner tonight.

By the time dinner was ready, neither of us fancied will keep for tomorrow.

A change of plan now for tomorrow as there is no appointment to keep.....and no more in the diary for the next couple of weeks either, well not until the head scan appointment arrives hopefully hub can relax, these little niggles will clear up and the steriods will give him a boost :-)

Hope you're all safe, cosy & warm!!

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