
By Cr055ie

Snow at Last

We have had a wonderful silly family day.  This is the first real snow we have had for over two years and we made the most of it.

I allowed kids to bin school off.  My thinking was that had they actually been attending they would have been sent home as the roads inland from us are unpassable.  Q has never seen snow, so she was tempted out by Wiktoria to have a snowball fight, build a snowman, make snow angles and basically just have a. brilliant time.  School is very important but so is making memories <3   I took some amazing pictures for them but can only post ones that don't show Q's face which is a shame as she is so beautiful.  For someone who feels the cold she was out there for ages in a skimpy sweater!

After the escapades outside and with the snowman warmly wrapped in a hat scarf and gloves, the kids came in and decided Phil needed to be "bullied'.  He loved it.  It started out really well with him just wearing Q's bear scarf, but then they decided he needed a make over and it got messy and very funny.  Phil ended up loooking like a pantomine dame who closely resembled Alf Garnett.  I should maybe have put a stop to it - but he is a big burly man and is more than able to fight his own battles - or not as it would seem. 

I have pictures and they have been sent to far and wide!!!!

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