Under my umbrella ella ella

It's been another wild weather day, the type that leaves you feeling physically worn out. I battled the elements whilst out walking and praying...see my extra for who I saw from afar...if you can find him in the photo!
Late morning we drove to collect a second hand bike from someone who's leaving the island tomorrow - we had a right old time of it getting it into the car. In hindsight I should've stayed home so my seat could have been pushed completely forward. As it was we drove home with my forehead pretty much on the windscreen. 
Bumped into my friend in the supermarket - without realising, we'd both bought each others kids a little treat to hand over at the school gate! Made us laugh, we were clearly on the same wavelength today. 
We took our lunch to the tree...I'd got ideas of a brolly pic underneath it, but the winds were SO strong there was no way that was going to work, so you have an outtake instead! Look at the blur on the brollies, and the water droplets on the lens!
Home for a prayer zoom with Marcial (for Danny) and me hunting for a fancy-dress onesie for Asha for carnival on Friday...I couldn't find anything but I've just found a secondhand rainbow unicorn one on facebook - we'll go get it tomorrow! 
Caña Club zoom, so good to see them all.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The bike for John being good - it was such a fantastic price I was worried it might be a kids bike! 
2) The kids delight at jumping in (very) muddy puddles.
3) A long chat with Chris on the doorstep of Nude.

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