They are using it!

The first visitor to the new bird table was the first morning when a Chaffinch appeared - not seen one in the garden for years. The most regular visitor, however, is this Robin. he spends most of each morning coming back and forth for the food and water. I needed to experiment with placing the camera - it is motion triggered and the first day was triggered by the wind blowing the Buddleia about, the second day I changed the angle that it was, away from the bush and downwards - then it was triggered by the dogs coming out of the door. Yesterday I think I got it right - closer, and facing the fence. So here is the Robin this morning. Later in the day I get a single Starling (good, there is still food when he leaves - not a locust-like invasion of them!) The 'extra' shows how close the camera is - the birds take no notice of it - I just hope a pigeon doesn't decide to land on it - the tripod is quite stable but is only medium weight not heavy !

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