Beautifully Betwixt

I wandered out not once nor twice but thrice today. Each time tempted by magical light, an alpine blue sky and fresh snow.
Each time was special, but each time I was thwarted. Twice by the sudden changeability of the weather and once by the inevitable fading of the day. First thing, nearing the top of lowly little Knott (413m asl) the sudden wind driven flurries stung like shrapnel, Missy and I retreated. Later we almost got lost in the field behind the house when blue sky turned to white out faster than Usain Bolt covers 100m.
Then this evening as the Howgills turned golden we all wandered out for a happy lazy loop of the big field, Missy's favourite red ball bouncing high (see extra action shot), by the time we were back at the hole in the wall the sun had fallen and dusk was taking hold. A glüwhien in the Hut seemed a good way to finish the day.

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