Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been one of those days when headache takes a fromt seat and not much else gets done. 
At least I managed to make page two in yesterdays mixed media challenge before the headache took over completely. Headache is one of the post effects from Covid that I have. It varies in strength, mostly I just feel it lingering, but some days it's stronger, like today.

This mixed media challenge was very challenging because the steps wasn't in the 'right' order. Normally Gesso would be first, but now it was last, and acrylic paint would come next and not after the step 'stars', and so on. I drew stars (with a template) first, using a Posca pen, then kept my fingers crossed it was water resistant... Next I had to use a colour I seldom used, or didn't like. I like pink, but it's not a colour I use often. So, I mixed red with white until it had a nice pink shade, then mixed that with a bit of water to make the paint thinner and more translucent. After that I used a sponge to dab the paint on, and it worked! The stars were visible through the acrylic mix. Then I had to use letters so I found some old stickers in brown. After that I had one 'free card', so I used a star template with smaller stars and a purple distress oxide. I lay the stars over the letter part. Next step was stamps and I used three. After that came gesso, which I dabbed all over, using a sponge again. I also used gesso on my last free card, the metallic butterfly. The challenge also had 'bling' as a theme so I glued down small sequence stars. Then I glued the large tag on a larger patterned tag. It was a fun challenge, and I challenged myself even more by making it much smaller than I usually do.  

Todays question in the 30 days of gratitude challenge:
11. What holiday are you grateful for?
Any holiday that includes seeing my family members! :)

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