
By maureen6002

Goose Foot

By the time we reach the prom today, the sunshine’s vanished and the icy wind has chased virtually everyone from the beach. This is fortuitous as it enables me to photograph this geometric seating in an appropriately deserted setting - even if it does mean risking frostbite. 

This is the street furniture designed by ‘Goose Foot’ - hence the seemingly unrelated title of today’s Blip - as part of the town’s recent waterfront regeneration scheme. Hardly offering comfort, it is, apparently, designed to ‘stop people in their tracks’ and to ‘provoke conversation’. I like the design, and in warmer times, it does provide an area for people to sit and chat, stare out to sea, picnic and so on. 

I’ve never looked at it from this angle before, and this really makes me appreciate its sculptural shapes. In today’s flat light, however, it needs lifting, and I want to create a more surreal feeling for this far from typical seaside scene. Hence the treatment - and it is Abstract Thursday after all! 

Thanks so much to everyone for the comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s ‘Windhover’ blip. I’m struggling to develop the quality of my bird photography - particularly distant, moving birds - so this was very much appreciated! 

And thanks to Ingeborg for hosting today’s challenge. 

It’s through geometry that we purify the eye of the soul’

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