
By Mindseye

Sunshine & Shutters

Best nights sleep for hub last night....a full five hours uninterrupted, not done that for a good while :-) had more overall. Left him snoozing when the alarm went off, straight up & ready for the shutter installation guys due at 9.

Took hub his breakfast on a tray, crunchy nut cornflakes and a toasted scone. I had my fruit & yogurt downstairs. Once hub had decamped and settled in the back bedroom, I took the curtains down in our room, made the bed, quickly cleaned the inside of the windows, wiped down the ledges, yhen did the same in the other front bedroom and the lounge.

The fitter arrived on the dot, suitably PPE'd, did a thoroughly good job, all done and dusted in just over two hours, ran me through the dos and don'ts and off he went. Hub came out of hiding to have a look, equally pleased. I went across the road to see how the front of the house looked from outside, really pleased, hence todays blip :-) and if any of you are like me, nosey lol, its always nice to see someone elses place, shutters in our lounge in extras. I wasnt sure whether I wanted curtains with the shutters, but think I like it with them. Might mean new ones for our room ;-)

Our neighbour messaged me last night asking if we wanted a Costa for our Elevenses today, well you know what my answer was....perfect timing, the fitter departed and Jen arrived, coffees in hand! We had bacon & cheese toasties for lunch today.

Hubs back seems a bit better today, he has had a pretty good day over all. I went out to collect his prescription items, also called into the butchers for some pork steaks for dinner tonight, which was sweet n sour pork over rice. Sweet n tasty, hub enjoyed his, followed by Spotted dick & custard. When I got back home, hub was just coming in from outside, he had been emptying and cleaning the vacuum.....he'd hoovered downstairs ;-)

More football this evening, hubs happy his team got through to the quarter finals of the FA Cup, ss are mine, glad we have managed to avoid each other......so far!

Nothing planned for tomorrow......maybe another walk weather permitting! Beautiful day today, but a bitterly cold wind.

Keep safe and warm everyone!

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